Breast Lift vs. Augmentation: What You Need To Know

A woman wearing lingerie and a cardigan (model)

If you’re longing for larger, perkier breasts, you may be researching your breast enhancement options. Both breast implants and breast lift surgery improve the appearance of your breasts, but they do so in different ways. People sometimes incorrectly assume that breast augmentation can lift the breasts or that a breast lift adds volume.

We’ll clear up some of those false impressions in this post, explaining what breast augmentation can do for you and whether you might need a breast lift instead.

What Can Breast Augmentation Improve?

Breast augmentation increases the size of your breasts, adding fullness and shape to your curves. Genetics, aging, weight loss, and pregnancy often deplete breast volume and create asymmetry. Silicone or saline implants boost breast volume, particularly in the breast’s upper pole, where it can enhance cleavage.

You might want a subtle increase in size or a more dramatic change; both options are achievable with breast implants. You can customize your breast augmentation by choosing your implants’ details, including the following:

Filler material – You can choose either saline or silicone gel implants. Saline implants are easier to customize, but silicone gel implants are better if you want natural-looking results. Most women choose silicone implants.

Size – Bra cup sizes aren’t uniform or well-defined, so breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters (cc). For every 130 to 150 ccs, you can expect to go up about one bra cup size.

Profile – Implants are available in various profiles, including low, moderate, moderate-high, or high-profile breast implants. In general, low-profile implants provide minimum projection from the chest, while moderate/high-profile implants have more projection and create a more voluptuous silhouette.

You can see the type of results breast augmentation can achieve in our patients’ before and after photos.

Breast Augmentation Before and After
This patient received a breast augmentation procedure.

What Is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift elevates and tightens sagging breasts without the use of implants. Most women experience sagging breasts due to genetics, aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight fluctuations. During a breast lift, your plastic surgeon removes excess skin to reposition and reshape the breasts.

Your nipple and areola can also be repositioned or reduced during the procedure if you desire it. An advantage of a breast lift is that your results will look and feel natural since it doesn’t add volume. This is a good option for women who already have adequate breast tissue or don’t want implants.

Take a look at our breast lift patients’ before and after pictures to see all a breast lift can accomplish.

Breast Lift Before and After
This patient received a breast lift procedure.

Can Breast Augmentation Lift Your Breasts?

Placing implants in your breasts may improve mild sagging, but it can’t help with moderate to severe sagging. Breast augmentation aims to create larger, shapelier, and more symmetrical breasts that look great under your clothing.

Should You Combine Breast Augmentation With a Breast Lift?

If you want to lift sagging breasts and enlarge them, combining these two procedures is a good idea. Not everyone is a good candidate to combine surgical procedures, though, so your plastic surgeon will advise whether it’s an option for you.

As noted above, if you have enough natural breast tissue and just want to reposition your breasts, opt for a breast lift alone.

Are You a Good Candidate To Combine Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift?

You will be a good candidate to combine these two procedures if you meet the below criteria.

  • You have realistic expectations. Have a realistic mindset about the results you can expect after your procedure. You are probably not going to look like your favorite celebrity after the procedure, but you can improve your silhouette.
  • You are physically healthy. Being healthy and at a stable weight before your procedure will help you have a smoother recovery. If you have medical issues that may impact the healing process, make sure to disclose those issues to your plastic surgeon.
  • You are not pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s better to wait until you have finished having children before undergoing a breast enhancement procedure. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can impact your results.
  • You don’t smoke or use alcohol. Smoking and alcohol consumption interfere with healing after your procedure. The nicotine in cigarettes constricts blood vessels, decreasing blood flow to the surgery site and organs. Alcohol dehydrates your body and inhibits blood clotting.

What Are the Benefits of Combining Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift?

Combining the two procedures allows you to improve several concerns in one operation and requires only a single recovery period. Additionally, you will only have one set of anesthesiology and facilities fees since your procedures are consolidated. As a result, you save time and resources, both valuable commodities if you are a busy mom or have a demanding job.

Choosing between breast augmentation and a breast lift is not a simple decision, but your plastic surgeon will guide you through the decision process. If you want to learn more, request a consultation or call us at (501) 575-0088 to schedule an appointment. Dr. Wright will be happy to discuss your options with you.

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